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E-Blog8: Intellectual Property II

In our recent experience last Thursday, February 7th of 2019, we were able to play our classmate’s Intellectual Property Game. Prior to that, each pair in the class were tasked to make a game about Intellectual Property. The type of game we created would be up to us entirely as long as it is focused on Intellectual Property but most decided to use Kahoot because it was easy and convenient to make a quick game. There were also some which created it differently. One used hang man, another used power point and another which is quite unique and fun called bony adventures. All of which we had a lot of fun with.

It is very important to protect our work via Intellectual Property because it is a form of ownership and pride. We are all protected by rights and it mentions that we all have right to our own property, or ownership as a respect for the hard work and effort that was put into acquiring that. This logic applies as well to the creative works that we deliver, our new inventions and also the uniqueness of our product, service, brand or business. It is important to honor this right to respect the hardship and the sacrifices that was non-monetary or monetary paid by the owner himself. It is not easy to do new things. People may sometimes have the same ideas but they can never execute the same way the other does because each one differs from another. That’s the uniqueness that we all share as human beings.
