We live in a world full of fake people and fake products/imitations. Fakes are a common trend nowadays. It’s tough to find something real, something legitimate, something original. It’s not a shocker anymore whenever we pass by the small stores or bazaars, that we see imitation products. Whenever we’re strolling in town, we can see imitation businesses too. It has become a commonality, maybe even a norm for few. Stolen ideas and works can now be seen almost anywhere. This is where Intellectual Property rights(IP) come in. IP is disregarded by many but is truly vital to the ownership of one’s invention, creative work and brand identity. In my artwork, it presents a common image and comparison of the original and obviously fake products that are widespread all throughout the world. Funny as those imitations may be such as Mang Inasal to Tang Inasal, Oreo to Borio, Kentucky’s Fried Chicken to Obama’s Fried Chicken, Jollibee to JoyRulBee, Calvin Kle...
Hello to you and welcome to another good day, my friend! Did you know the Grunge art movement? How about David Carson? How about Carson’s style? David Carson is a designer and is one of the fathers of the Grunge art movement. The Grunge style seems to be messy and chaotic in design, but it did wonders for designers back in the 90’s. David Carson was an icon because he became an inspiration to young designers so that they may be able to express themselves. If you want to know the few principles that Carson applied to his design projects and how you can apply it to your own, feel free to visit this link: https://blog.flipsnack.com/5-useful-design-tips-from-the-father-of-grunge-david-carson/ You may also follow me on: FB Page: @marklunartist IG: @marklunatheartist Twitter: @MarkLuna30 Blog: http://markluna38.blogspot.com/ #Freelance #GraphicDesigner #SocialMediaManager #PhotoManipulation #LogoDesigner